Alexandra Farms is proud to announce that we have earned Florverde Sustainable Flowers’ social and environmental standard practice certification for 2024-2025. Our recertification was accomplished through consistent care and consideration of processes affecting farm operations and the production of garden roses and diversified stems. While our San Ignacio farm has consistently earned this certification for many years, it is a significant success for our El Jardin location, which has now earned the certification for a second year.

Farm Supervisor Oscar Munevar said, ”It’s important for us to become certified as a guarantee that our product is not only high quality but also ethically produced, demonstrating commitment on social, environmental and even economic levels.” He said this certification confirms the company’s reliability and instills customer confidence.
Over three days, external certification partner Naturacet thoroughly audited both farm locations on behalf of Florverde. To become a certified business, Florverde considers three general principles. First, sustainability must be proven through production processes and environmental considerations. Second, employees must be afforded a safe environment in which to work. Finally, guaranteed benefits must be provided to all employees, with at least the minimum governmental requirements.

Sustainability Achievements
To meet Florverde’s expectations, Alexandra Farms implements various programs. One effort – the Phytosanitary Control and Secure Handling of Pesticides Program – involves the careful use and control of pesticides to maintain low toxicity levels on and around the farm and minimize exposure risks to humans and the environment. Instead of relying on various chemicals, the farms use natural pest control, including native spiders and other native species.

The Water Management and Preservation Program promotes optimal and responsible water use on the farms to contribute to long-term environmental preservation and ensure the continued production of floral and ornamental plants. Water consumption is carefully monitored, rainwater and recycled water are used when possible, and irrigation efficiencies are continuously updated to maintain healthy farm hydration practices.

Another program implemented on the farm is Soil Management, which reduces supply costs and preserves soil conservation, thereby avoiding deterioration and erosion. Alexandra Farms uses coconut fiber or rice husks as a growth medium for the crops grown on the farms to preserve soil and aid in sustainability efforts. Doing so avoids using fertilizers and harsh chemicals, which could affect the soil and the health of those near it.

The Landscape and Biodiversity Program considers conservation in and around the farms and the impacts of the activity on the farms. Minimizing the effects on the environment surrounding the farms is of utmost importance to Alexandra Farms. It’s essential that, through the management of the natural landscape surrounding the farms, employees practice care in crop production so that the habitat remains preserved by careful, modern practices.
To reduce our farms’ carbon footprint and energy expenditures, the Maintenance, Carbon Footprint and Energy Program uses renewable energy sources to feed the operations on both farms. Each employee is trained on the processes to optimize energy use while leaving little impact on the environment, especially regarding climate change. Alexandra Farms is consistently optimizing processes to offset any effects that might contribute to the progression of this phenomenon.
Finally, through the Integral Residue Management Program, Alexandra Farms trains all employees to keep a detailed inventory of pesticides, herbicides and fungicides and carefully dispose of cartons when they are depleted. All training and close attention to inventory and disposal of chemical residue are sought to minimize or eliminate environmental contamination.
Employee Care
While sustainability efforts are effectively managed on both farms via thoroughly implemented programs, Florverde was able to certify that Alexandra Farms meets the legal requirements on both farms and has implemented improved practices that lead to additional benefits for the staff.

The programs developed for employee well-being begin with organizing, planning, and orienting processes for all farm employees. They also encourage employee participation and communication through committees such as brigades, delegates, COPASST (Safety and Health Awareness in the Workplace Committee), COCOLA (Work Connivance Committee), and integration activities.

Emilsen Cubillos, head of Human Resources at Alexandra Farms, said the company meets every legal requirement of Colombian legislation to create a safe work environment. “We instill in our employees the importance of self-care, promote sustainability, health and collaboration in the workplace, and create spaces of discussion, active participation, learning and integration,” she said.
Alexandra Farms also provides employee assistance, including financial aid to subsidize nutritional costs and mental health services, legal endowments and access to several external businesses and entities. The company offers all employees Personal Protection Elements (PPE) on-site, scheduled breaks during working hours, and safe spaces and lactation rooms for employees to use during working hours. Additionally, the importance of family is highly celebrated at Alexandra Farms, and employee benefits sometimes can benefit family members, including recreational activities for employees and their families during holidays and other celebrations.
Continuing the Efforts
We can only achieve highly regarded certifications such as this one from Florverde through meticulously organized programs. We continuously strive to apply ethical and responsible business practices to our work that positively impact our environment and employees. Our efforts guarantee the continued delivery of ethically harvested, high-quality products to customers around the world.
