Classic winter styling inspiration for your home featuring the sumptuous and velvety red blooms of Tess (Ausyacht) created by the creative hands of Janne Ford. A color palette of dark reds, deep purples, matt and lacquered golds with jewel colours – the perfect backdrop for Thanksgiving, Christmas or New Year celebrations. Are you on the countdown? Because we are!
A dramatic table centrepiece with Tess accompanied by lilac and burgundy scabiosa and highlights of blush stocks. Blue table linen and gold edged tableware add a touch of luxury across the whole table. Simple tapered candles and gold bow napkins add the finishing touches.
The rich and sumptuous winter theme doesn’t have to stay at the table. Add a little festive magic to your home décor or Christmas gifting. Floral arrangements in muted gold urns or deep blue hatboxes will accentuate Tess’s color. Don’t forget to refresh the water in the arrangements and Tess will keep giving over the festive period – she has a super long vase life. She will evolve from tight bud to perfect rosette, gradually darkening in color. Tess: our go-to girl for entertaining this year.